Hagley Road to Ladywood, "a peek into media culture & society"

July 20, 2008

"Passion and sadness"

The Cure got into my life about 14 years ago, when I heard on a record shop the song Boy's Don't Cry. Something amazing and melancolic trapped me. Later on (I think just in the same week) I heard on the radio Friday I'm in Love. But I was short of money then to buy the records so it wasnt' until I was on College when I begin to buy The Cure record.

I was just surpirsed just how can Robert write a song such as Lovesong and also a song like One Hundred Years. The passion and sadness mixed together, the voice, the music. Ever since The Cure album and the night at The Cure concert in Mexico City back in 2004, I've been a loyal Cure fan. Over the years, my attitude has really changed, because The Cure has been a eternal companion for many stages of my life (love, tragedies, depression, joy) and right now, I'm a devotee of their music and their live shows.

(From: Ernesto, age 25; Mexico City, Mexico)

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